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The Data Driven Biology (DDB) NRT graduate training program aims to train a new generation of biological scientists and engineers who are able to work across disciplines and are fluent in data analytics and experimental methods to advance fundamental research in quantitative biology and bioengineering.

DDB provides an immersive and guided introduction of "in vivo" research practices in research labs. This introduction incorporates structured, accountable team building and promotes a culture of inclusion. It provides students with the breadth to meaningfully collaborate across disciplines and with the depth to answer biological questions with scientific rigor, having gained the knowledge of and experience with data science approaches through DDB courses and programming.

DDB Trainees will learn how to design experiments, acquire and integrate multi-modal, disparate data, and incorporate machine learning and computational modeling approaches to extract models and meaning from biological data. The research questions of our DDB core and affiliated faculty labs and our curricular application case studies focus on generating, mining, and analyzing disparate, multi-modal data to assess cell and tissue responses to controlled inputs. In other words, they are designed to challenge us in quantifying and managing heterogeneity in biological data to Understand the Rules of Life.

 Become a Trainee

Get training in Data Driven Biology.

 Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity, and Wellness

Our program provides educational opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds and groups that are underrepresented in the Biological Sciences, Physics, and Engineering, as well as military veterans and students with disabilities.