- Graduate Student Resources
Graduate Division
UC Santa Barbara’s Graduate Division provides numerous resources for graduate students from all departments on campus, including:
The GradPost is the digital outpost of the Graduate Student Resource Center and serves as the primary source for news, funding, professional development, advice, events, and more related to graduate student life at UC Santa Barbara.
Graduate Student Resource Center
Located on the first floor of the Student Resource Building (Room 1215), the GSRC is a resource for graduate students seeking help with many aspects of graduate student life. Students can meet with two dedicated Diversity Peers as well as other specialists providing help for career placement, writing and editing, and funding graduate school.
Grad Slam
The Grad Slam is an award-winning campus-wide competition for the best three-minute talk by a graduate student. Students present the central points of their project in a clear, direct, and interesting manner for a diverse audience comprised of students, faculty, and community members.
Beyond Academia Conference
The Beyond Academia conference at UCSB is an annual event aimed at preparing graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in all stages and disciplines to pursue a wide range of career options after graduate school. The conference offers attendees the opportunity to interact with professionals who have established careers outside the professoriate in industry, government, administration, nonprofits, and more.
Graduate Student Groups
Our graduate students value communities and bringing people together for social and academic dialogues. Across the UC Santa Barbara campus, graduate students have the opportunity to engage in groups like:
- Graduate Student Association
- UCSB Biomedical Engineering Society
- Black Graduate Student Association
- Graduate Students for Diversity in Science
- International Student Association
- Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE)
- Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
- Asian Pacific Islander Graduate Student Alliance (APIGSA)
- American Indian Graduate Student Alliance
- Queer and Trans Graduate Student Union (QTGSU)
- Non-Traditional Students Group
CSEP Professional Development Series
The Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships (CSEP) together with multiple groups, departments, faculty and staff at UCSB offers an intensive Professional Development Series that focuses on the knowledge and practical experience essential for the success of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars and their future varied careers in science, engineering and mathematics.
- Individual Development Plans
Resources to help you draft and refine your Individual Development Plan (IDP)
- How to Cite the NRT DDB Award
When citing the NRT DDB award, please follow these guidelines for any conference presentations, posters, and/or publications.
NSF Award #: DGE-2125644
Here are some helpful examples based on the NSF's guidelines:
In publications, you should include the following text (taken from NSF guidelines) in your acknowledgements section: "This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. XXXXXXX."
In presentations, you can just list the grant number on your acknowledgments slide, or squeeze it in at the bottom of your poster: NSF #XXXXXXX. You're also encouraged to use the NSF logo in presentations and posters to acknowledge their support.
If you happen to write about NRT-supported research in a non-scientific publication (e.g. a blog or newspaper article), you should acknowledge NSF support, but also include the following disclaimer: "Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation."