
Nicole Becker

Student Affairs Manager

1106 BioE
Responsible for the overall management of all graduate services, including the Biological Engineering PhD Program, the Bioengineering Graduate Emphasis, and the NSF and NIH training grants.

Michael Beyeler

Assistant Professor
Computer Science

5102 Harold Frank Hall
Developing novel methods and algorithms to interface sight recovery technologies with human visual systems.

Dennis Clegg

Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Wilcox Family Chair in BioMedicine

5125 Biology II
Researches the molecular basis of neural development and disease; retinal development and degeneration; differentiation of ocular cells from embryonic and adult stem cells.

Samantha Daly

Mechanical Engineering

Engineering II, Room 2347
Specializes in the application of experimental mechanics to materials science in an effort to characterize, design, and develop advanced materials.

Marley Dewey

Assistant Professor

3110 BioEngineering
Dr. Dewey's lab aims to combine biomaterials with extracellular vesicles for skeletal repair and disease treatment, including broader impacts in marine biology.

Siddharth Dey

Associate Professor
Chemical Engineering

3008 BioEngineering
Develops single-cell sequencing technologies to study how chemical and mechanical cues regulate cell-to-cell variability in the epigenome.

Zvonimir Dogic


4419 Broida
Engineering ensembles of molecular motors and cytoskeletal filaments.

Emilie Dressaire

Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering

2326 Engineering II
Uses a combination of fluid mechanics and soft matter physics to develop new microfluidic tools and study how fluid-structure interactions control biological and bio-inspired microflows.

Sam Feinstein

DDB Trainee
Department of Bioengineering
Pruitt Lab

DDB Trainee, Department of Bioengineering

Elizabeth Floyd

Academic Program Administrator

1108 BioE
Program coordinator for Biological Engineering and its training programs. Responsible for program administration and student coordination for the NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program in Data Driven Biology and the NIH T32 training grant in Quantitative Mechanobiology.

Gianna Gathman

DDB Affiliate
Department of Bioengineering
Stowers Lab

Leo Harjanto

DDB Trainee
Department of Bioengineering

DDB Trainee, Department of Bioengineering

Natasha Jones

DDB Trainee
Department of Bioengineering
Mills Lab

DDB Trainee, Department of Bioengineering

Amil Khan

DDB Trainee
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Vision Research Lab (PI: B.S. Manjunath)

DDB Trainee, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Trent Llewellyn

DDB Trainee
Department of Bioengineering
Volkmann Lab

DDB Trainee, Department of Bioengineering

B.S. Manjunath

Chair, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

3157 Harold Frank Hall
Researches image/video analysis, multimedia databases and data mining, steganography, and signal/image processing for bio-informatics.

Cristina Marchetti


6235 Broida
Uses theory and simulations to understand the emergent behavior of active and living matter.

Carolyn Mills

Assistant Professor

Focuses on molecular engineering of proteins that control spatial organization in biological systems, with applications in plastic remediation and oral vaccine delivery.

Nina Miolane

Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering

3155 Harold Frank Hall
Aims to create computational representations of the human body at different scales.

Denise Montell

Duggan Professor and Distinguished Professor
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology

4130-I Biology II
Studies cell behaviors such as recovery from the brink of apoptotic cell death, cell cannibalism, collective cell migration, and establishment of new connections after migration.

Meghan Morrissey

Assistant Professor
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology

1113 Life Sciences
Uses high resolution live imaging, synthetic biology and biochemistry to figure out when and where signaling molecules are activated to make these essential decisions.

Arnab Mukherjee

Assistant Professor
Chemical Engineering

3349 ENGR II
Engineers molecular reporters for noninvasively imaging living systems in previously impossible ways - for example, spying on neural activity with brain-wide coverage in vertebrates and locating deep-seated infections and tumors in vivo.

Adele Myers

DDB Trainee
Department of Physics
BioShape Lab (PI: Miolane)

DBB Trainee, Department of Physics

Michelle O'Malley

Chemical Engineering

3343 Engineering II
Researches genetic engineering and synthetic biology of non-model microorganisms.

Haley Obenshain

DDB Trainee
Department of Bioengineering

DDB Trainee, Department of Bioengineering

Linda Petzold

Mehrabian Distinguished Professor
Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering

3106 BioEngineering
Develops mathematical and computational tools for modeling, simulation and data analytics of multiscale systems in biology and medicine.

Angela Pitenis

Assistant Professor
Materials Department

3019 Materials Research Lab
Works at the intersection of materials science, physics, chemistry, and biology, and aims to understand interfacial phenomena and energy-dissipation at the interfaces of soft materials.

Kevin Plaxco

Chemistry & Biochemistry

BioEngineering 3002
Builds bioanalytical sensors and investigate protein biophysics, among other basic and applied research thrusts.

Beth L. Pruitt

Director, DDB Program
Chair, Bioengineering
Professor of BioE, ME and BMSE

3108 BioE
Mechanobiology metrologies integrating quantitative imaging, biophysical, and biomolecular assays to probe the role of mechanics in cell signaling in health and disease.

Artury Ramirez

DDB Trainee
Department of Bioengineering
O'Malley Lab

DDB Trainee, Department of Bioengineering

Jose Roberto Rodrigues Reyes

DDB Trainee
Biomolecular Science & Engineering Program
Wilson Lab

DDB Trainee, Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program

Sam Rosen

DDB Trainee
Biomolecular Science & Engineering
Wilson Lab

DDB Trainee, Biomolecular Science & Engineering Program

Elisabeth Rothman

DDB Trainee
Department of Bioengineering

DDB Trainee, Department of Bioengineering

Donovan Sak

DDB Trainee
Department of Bioengineering

DDB Trainee, Department of Bioengineering

Omar Saleh

Materials Department

3006 Bioengineering
Studies molecular biophysics, particularly by building and applying high-resolution single-molecule manipulation instruments capable of mechanical and elastic measurement of biopolymer and motor protein behavior.

Miguel Sanchez-Lozano

DDB Affiliate
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Pruitt Lab

Katelyn Schwarz

DDB Trainee
Department of Bioengineering

DDB Trainee, Department of Bioengineering

Abhishek Sharma

DDB Affiliate
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Stowers Lab

Spencer L. Smith

Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering

2002 Bio Engineering Building
Studies how the brain works, at the level of neurons and synapses.

Rafael Solorzano

DDB Trainee
Department of Bioengineering

DDB Trainee, Department of Bioengieering

Ryan Stowers

Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering

BioE 3112
Develops 3D hydrogel cell culture platforms to mimic mechanical, structural, and compositional elements of native extracellular matrices and uses these to investigate how cells sense and respond to their environment.

Sebastian Streichan

Associate Professor

4409 Broida
Uses ideas and concepts from physics, computer science, and mathematics to ask how embryos get in shape, and how organs function.

Zsofia Szegletes

DDB Trainee
Department of Bioengineering
Dey Lab

DDB Trainee, Department of Bioengineering

Breanna Takacs

DDB Trainee
Biomolecular Science & Engineering
Yi Lab

DDB Trainee, Biomolecular Science & Engineering Program

Luke Theogarajan

Vice Chair
Electrical and Computer Engineering

3010 BioEngineering Bldg
Studies the marriage between materials, electronics and micro/nanofabrication as a means of developing new devices and tools for medical applications.

Kevin Valenzuela

DDB Trainee
Department of Bioengineering

DDB Trainee, Department of Bioengineering

Marcus Varni

DDB Trainee
Department of Bioengineering

DDB Trainee, Department of Bioengineering

Gabriela Villalpando Torres

DDB Trainee
Mechanical Engineering
Pruitt Lab

DDB Trainee, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Yon Visell

Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Media Arts and Technology

2213 Elings Hall
Studies the future of interactive technologies, haptics, robotics, human-computer interaction, sensorimotor augmentation, and interaction in virtual reality.

Niels Volkmann

Biomolecular Science and Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Focuses on the development and application of innovative new computational, artificial intelligence, and data science tools to bridge information between the atomic and cellular scales, covering more than six orders of magnitude from Ångstroms to tens of microns

Daniella Walter

DDB Trainee
Mechanical Engineering
Stowers Lab

DDB Trainee, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Lauren Washington

DDB Trainee
Department of Bioengineering
Pruitt Lab

DDB Trainee, Department of Bioengineering

Max Wilson

Assistant Professor
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology

3127 Biology II
Combines tools from Biology, Engineering, and Physics to understand the cell’s perceptual field.

Enoch Yeung

Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering

3104 BioE
Studies how biological systems enact control, make decisions and perform computation.

Soojin Yi

Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology

4107 Life Science Building
We study evolutionary biology using comparative genomic and epigenomic methods. A main research thrust of the Yi lab is evolutionary epigenomics. We ask how epigenetic regulatory mechanisms evolve and how they contribute to fundamental biological phenomena.